Why Conservation Agriculture?
Conservation Agriculture (CA) is a set of soil management practices that minimize the disruption of the soil's structure, composition and natural biodiversity. CA has proven potential to improve crop yields, while improving the long-term environmental and financial sustainability of farming. Read more.
Conservation Agriculture Principles:
Permanent cover | Crop Rotation | Minimum soil disturbance |
What Do We Do?
As the body of CA literature and publications grows, the Cornell University Conservation Agriculture Group helps people to access these resources.
Our key focus is to help people access recent and important CA research by:
- CA Research Highlights: monthly review of scientific articles.
- Zotero research databases with over 3,600 articles in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese & Chinese.
We also provide access to current CA knowledge through:
- Two-Wheel Tractor: monthly publication on smallholder equipment
- Links to CA Resources: information on networks & groups, equipment, discussions & newsletters, and related websites
- Social media: updates on news, events, videos, and publications